Paper tape quick match

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Materials Needed

-Black powder

-Kraft paper

-Masking tape, 3" wide

You can do this in any length, but in this example, you would make a 5-foot long length of quickmatch fuse. First cut a 3-foot wide by 5-foot long sheet of Kraft paper. Fold the narrow dimension of the paper so that you have a 1-foot wide flap lying over the other 2 feet.



Tape a strip of 3-inch wide masking tape along the edge of the flap, making sure you tape exactly flush along the edge of the paper-don’t let any tape stick out over the edge. Then, run a second strip of 3-inch wide masking tape over top of the first strip, so that exactly 1/2-inch is sticking over the edge. This is the part of the tape, which will be used to pick up the black powder. Keep this sticky side off of the paper.


Next run a trail of black powder (BP) on 2-foot part. Just about any fine-grained black powder will do, 2FG, 4FG, etc. Now push the sticky side of the masking tape into the powder, so that it picks up a 1/2-inch wide strip of BP. Make sure you get as much BP to stick to the tape as possible. Then peel the tape off the paper. Then fold the tape over lengthwise several times so that the BP strip is inside. Then fold the tape however many times it takes to end up with about a 1/2-inch wide length of homemade quickmatch. Thanks to Steven LeFaivre for this field expedient quickmatch.

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